New Intern selected

Robyn White is a third year student at Southern Cross University in the School of Tourism and Sports Management. Robyn will be completing the internship component of her degree by spending over 450 hours working in a joint program with the Westpac Rescue Helicopter and our branch of Lord’s Taverners.
Because John Bancroft, the key person with the Rescue Helicopter service, is also a member of our branch, there will be an easy working relationship between our two organisations.
Chaired by Jenny Cook, our Internship Committee will meet with Robyn for the first time soon, and this meeting will launch our first genuine internship program.
Robyn will commence working with us in early June, and already our Committee Chairpersons have compiled a long list of projects for her. These projects will expose Robyn to most aspects of the administration of a branch of Lord’s Taverners Australia, and hopefully give her insights into the mechanisms involved in running a charitable organisation.